
Quantum Crystal Skull Meditations

This material began to be documented in 2005 by Su Walenta, who is the current guardian of the Quantum Crystal Skull. These writings have developed through multiple meditation sessions that were conducted both privately, and in group sessions.

Why is it called
“The Quantum Crystal Skull?”

When this beautiful crystal skull came into my life from it’s previous guardian, it arrived without a specific name and not much documented history. I spent considerable time in meditation with this amazing crystal skull, and soon became aware of the call to work through a process of cleansing and purifying - which involved wrapping the skull in strips of prayer cloth, and burying it in sacred ground for a period of time that coordinated with celestial alignments. After this process, I was very conscious and protective regarding who came in contact with the skull, and what environments it was exposed to. As I continued to work with the skull on a very personal level I learned that it had an ever increasing abundance of information for me. I have many sketches, diagrams, written passages, and other types of information that have been transmitted through this magnificent learning tool of spiritual expansion, ascension, and evolution.

When I eventually asked: “what name shall I call you?” The response I received was “I am the Quantum Crystal Skull.” I feel the word “Quantum” is appropriate as a “Quantum” is a way of describing a unit of energy, especially electromagnetic energy (the same energy that makes up our personal biofield, or aura).. Quantum phenomena such as “Superposition” and “Entanglement” refer to particles or objects that can simultaneously exist in two or more states (wave or particle); two or more physical locations; or two or more dimensions of space and time. The Quantum Crystal Skull has been activated, and is in constant connection with other activated crystal skulls - which forms a grid on the physical plane of Earth at this time. I believe the Quantum Crystal Skull also comfortably resides on multiple planes (or dimensions) simultaneously - which provides a portal for those serious seekers who are willing to venture through these doorways for themselves.

A Suggested approach
for a connection with
the Quantum Crystal Skull

I have found a good way to begin is to find a comfortable relaxed position, where you can have connection with the crystal skull (if you choose to gaze upon it during your meditation). Those who have a personal meditation practice will usually find it easier to open up, quiet the rational thinking mind, and explore the information and imagery that gradually comes through for them. Anyone willing to open themselves to the potential of what they may experience will benefit from their session. Some messages may come through after the physical session has concluded - and I have heard reports from those who have had what seemed like mild or even uneventful sessions with the skull in person - but later received vivid imagery with clear messages during their meditations or dreams in following days or even weeks later. This session may be the beginning of a “Quantum Shift” that is just the beginning of a profound spiritual healing journey for you.

I have found my clearest communications come when I am fully relaxed and open, and without judgement or scepticism. I find it best to release all tension and stress as much as possible during my sessions, and also for a period of time afterwards. I find that meditative time spent after contact with the skull, allows me to reflect on the connection, which is still active and happening long after the physical proximity has concluded.

Taking Notes

During and After the Session I do encourage taking personal notes during the session, even if it’s just a few words or sketching some shapes. This practice may open the door for automatic writing to take place, and it may also allow you to better remember some of the images and information that comes through, and afterwards you may be able to more fully elaborate on the concepts and images of what was communicated. I keep a personal journal for this purpose, but I do not make this journal publicly available. If you have personal and private information that comes to you through your session, I encourage you to keep a private journal of your own for this purpose. You may find that more information continues to come through once you have made the initial connection with this magnificent life expanding quantum device and metaphysical tool. Keeping a personal record will help you retrieve the information when you need it most!

What is the nature of
the information I will receive?

At the appropriate time and place you will receive what you are open, ready, and able to receive. Each individual connection is different. Each individual will be offered access to different information depending upon what is intended for their life, what they are ready for, and what spiritual work they are intended to do – now, and in the future. You may be given information on past lives, future lives, and access to vital information needed to complete personal cycles of development.

There have been a small number of extraordinary instances during group meditation where a number of participants receive very similar information. This has been rare – and has indicated exceptional energy shifts affecting significant segments of the population or Earth area. For this reason it is beneficial to have a period of sharing “after-thoughts” following group sessions. I have heard many individual instances of information coming through regarding previous or future lives, akashic records, ancient civilizations (such as Egypt, Atlantis and Lemuria), other dimensions, and other worlds. I have also heard instances of health and healing information, artistic and spiritual inspiration, and more.

How do I control what information
I will have access to?

The information that is available to be channeled through the Quantum Crystal Skull is vast and limitless. Different information is made available to each individual depending on the vibrations (or frequencies) that stimulate the Quantum Crystal Skull on that particular day, time, and location. Additional sessions may continue particular threads of information, or they may open up completely new areas. It seems that the best approach is one of openness, and willingness to receive what is intended for you at the time of your session.

What type of vibrational activation
is most effective?

I have found that the ideal stimulation for strong connections with this crystal skull come from highly vibrational beings with an open heart and open mind. A conscious approach of spiritual elevation and attitude of respect have a profound effect on the vibrational quality of the session. Strong effects have also been activated by various sonic tones and frequencies, colors, sacred incense, chanting, types of music, time of day, time of year, celestial movements, astrological events, etc. Other strong effects have been activated by the use of varied physical arrangements involving crystals, symbols, tensor fields generated by copper and/or crystals -- thus creating a potent transceiver effect -- which may amplify the vibrations that pass through the crystal skull. North-South directional alignments have had interesting effects at various times. It is also helpful to consider the general Feng Shui of the space used for the session.

I have personally experimented with many of these forms of vibrational activation and stimulation over a number of years, with varied results. Late in 2008 I began to receive information through the Quantum Crystal Skull that urged me to bring it out into the world, to expose it to potent vortex locations, and to set up specific crystal arrays, tensor fields, celestial events, and polar alignments. I have received repeated strong messages to permit and facilitate access for individuals who will be drawn to this crystal skull.

I have also been informed that this crystal skull itself will benefit and become a more valuable and potent tool with these contacts and placements. Close proximity to other activated crystal skulls, other potent high vibrational objects, planetary alignments, vortex locations, and highly vibrational living beings will continue to add layers and unlock beneficial information and powerful positive healing vibrations for all those who come into reverent contact with the Quantum Crystal Skull as time moves on.

Can I ask a specific question?

Yes. I have found that specific questions are welcomed by the Quantum Crystal Skull, and the Spirit Guides, Universal Divine Ascended Masters, and Ancestors who are communicating to us through this magnificent communication device. I have found that if a particular question comes forward in my life -- I trust that it is the right time and place to put forth the question. The answer usually makes more sense because I will already be in the proper state of mind (and vibratory frequency) to be ready, willing and open to hear and make use of the information that comes. The information may not come immediately. The answer may come over time, or in the dream state.

    © The Quantum Crystal Skull 2021