
What is a Tensor Ring?

Tensor Rings are closed loop coils. When they are made to certain specifications, they amplify subtle energy for a powerful effect on water, crystals, and all living biology.

Tensor Rings generate Tensor Fields - producing a measurable gravitational effect - which contains and broadcasts an energy field which is neither electric, nor magnetic. It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields, bringing coherency to any stressors or chaos, and easily stabilizes and equalizes the bio magnetic and energy fields of all living tissue.

The tensor field of any Tensor Ring includes a column of sacred light. The use of Tensor Rings and the energy fields carried by specific frequencies of the Sacred Cubit measurements work to coordinate the universal energies of body and soul together in this field of light.

What makes a copper ring a “Tensor Ring”?

When copper is heated and drawn to create the wire of a tensor ring, the crystalline structure within the wire is aligned and creates a one-way piezoelectric energy flow. When this wire is folded against itself, twisted, and the ends joined together on themselves, a continuous flow of energy is created equally in both directions. When these lengths of wire are cut to precise sacred “Cubit” measurements, the twisted crystalline copper creates a piezoelectric-powered “antenna”. Therefore, Tensor Rings are a type of piezoelectric-powered energy antennae.

Where do the Cubit measurements come from?

Various Cubits are found in the alignment and construction of sacred sites all over the globe, yet only a few of these“Sacred Measurements” are known to create Tensor Fields.

How do these Tensor tools function?
What are they good for?

The Tensor tools function on more than just the physical plane, which is why they are able to work on health issues that stem from the multiple layers and dimensions of a person’s unique etheric (energy) body — such as the astral body, emotional body, spiritual body, quantum body, etc. Stressors in any part of the etheric body can manifest into the physical body - generating any type of dis-ease, or even physical issues as extreme as cancer.

Tensor rings have physical attributes and physical measurable energy fields - but they also have etheric fields. These “Etheric Templates” are the non-physical aspect of Tensor Rings, which is what makes these tools so powerful in the subtle energy realm. We see direct evidence that Tensor Rings have presence and influence on a higher vibrational ethereal plane, and are anchored into the physical through Sacred Measurements, or Cubits.

Tensor Rings have been researched and noted for decades, for their use in restructuring electromagnetic fields, energizing and restructuring water molecules, enhancing plant growth and vitality, healing human bio fields resulting in physical improvement, beekeeping health and productivity, health and maintenance of livestock, pollution abatement, EMF remediation, and thousands of other observations, including their connectivity with higher vibrational densities and dimensions.

There seem to be many different Tensor Ring frequencies, which are based upon a variety of Sacred Cubit Measurements . . .

What are the Tensor Rings that have been successfully used during sessions with the Quantum Crystal Skull?

We have been using the “Harmonic Creation Field Trio”.

What is the “Harmonic Creation Field Trio”?

Tensor Rings are most often used as a single unit, but they can be used in groupings with interesting effects. When placed in series (see diagram below) their energetic columns overlap to create a stronger, expanded field.

When certain sizes (based on golden ratio harmonics) are used in sets of three, harmonic resonance is established— similar to a musical chord. The authors of “Dancing with Water” experimented with these harmonic fields and identified a set of three specific Tensor Rings they refer to as the “Harmonic Creation Field Trio”. When used together, they create a powerful vibratory chord resonating with the universal creative field of potent healing energy. In this case the old adage: “the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts” is put into practice with profound results.

The Harmonic Creation Field Trio is a very powerful set of Tensor Rings.

The Three Rings
We Have Been Using are:

.....“Golden Fire”

When combined and used as a set, the Harmonic Creation Field Trio establishes a vibratory “chord” and harmonic resonance with the universal creative field of energy. This makes it easier to connect with the field of Quantum Consciousness, and unlimited healing universal energies, with less interference from forces that attempt to keep us disconnected. The three ring harmonic creates energy waves, toroidal fields, magnetic fields, ultrasonic and subsonic frequencies. When used with focused intent, these fields can invoke a reset code, which can reset our bio-field – bringing us to a state that is similar to the one we inhabited before the insertion of false patterns and the disruption of any original blueprints for life on this planet.

The Harmonic Creation Field chord also opens our awareness to (and our ability to utilize) the multitude of bio-regenerative frequencies inherent in the Earth’s biological and spiritual energy fields.

Together, the three rings create a frequency "chord" that augments the expression of each individual ring.

With regular use of the three rings - at some point the light field you are being exposed to will open up that creation space that has access to all layers of your Soul throughout your entire universal existence.

Regular use of these rings help us to come into harmony and balance of cosmic growth, by connecting our mind and body to the space of the soul that is cosmic, galactic and universal. It is a surrender into the soul light - and the use of these rings to clean and clear - that enables us to become more fully connected with soul work than we may have been in previous lifetimes on this earth.

Golden Fire Ring:
The largest ring in the trio is called the Golden Fire Ring; it carries frequencies that restore water’s original life-supporting blueprint, and activates the Sacred Heart and the Quantum Mind. The Sacred Heart is activated through our personal and unique soul spark from Universal Source energy, and is then anchored within the human heart. When this light is anchored in the physical heart it automatically clears any cords or contracts that are no longer beneficial. The Golden Fire frequency also opens the right hemisphere of the brain, balances the hemispheres, activates the Pineal and connects to our very own universal and unique Quantum Mind.

Harmony Ring:
The middle ring - which contains the “base frequency” in the Harmonic Creation Field chord. This is the Earth Resonance frequency which vibrates with the Earth’s central core and with the Earth’s natural energy field. It grounds water, strengthening and refining its connection to the core energy of the Earth. The Cubit length that creates this ring is the basis for the ancient Mesoamerican city, Teotihuacan. Translated as the “birthplace of the Gods”, Teotihuacan contains the great Temple of the Sun. This unit of measure has also been found in Bolivia at “the Gate of the Sun,” in Ancient Egypt, at Stonehenge, and other megalithic structures around the world. The Pyramid of the Sun and the Great Pyramid of Egypt have an identical base-lengths.

The American civil engineer Hugh Harleston has done extensive research and found undeniable evidence for the measures of Teotihuacan being connected to both the circumference and the radius of the Earth on a scale of 100,000:1- all cut from the standard Teotihuacan cubit length. He has proven that the layout of Teotihuacan encodes information about the shape, size and movement of the Earth.

The Great Pyramid of Egypt also contains and encodes sacred measurments that coordinate with the size and movement of the Earth and other celestial bodies.

Using numerology, there is a pattern of information associated with the standard Teotihuacan cubit length, one of which is the number pattern related to the Stem Cell sequence of our DNA.

Regeneration Ring:

The smallest inner ring of the trio is referred to as the Regeneration Ring. This ring is aligned with the bio-regenerative frequencies of the Earth’s creative life force. It strengthens water’s ability to support natural and ongoing regeneration. Please be aware that the Regeneration Ring’s transformative field may come through much stronger with the combination of ALL THREE RINGS.

Using a single Regeneration Ring may not get all the layers of clearing and changes as quickly as the combined field of all three. But even when used alone - the Regeneration Ring can bring through profound release, and must be used with care and awareness.

Regeneration Rings have helped to bring through penetrating detoxification and release in some people, as deeper doors and layers may be opened to facilitate this work. It is nothing that cannot be handled — but it is best to be aware of what may be happening, and to consider additional time, kindness, and grace for the clearing and processing work needed for this more extensive release.

Personal Intention

The Harmonic Creation Field Trio works in tandem with each individual’s intention. Your energetic input enlivens and directs the quantum energy field, providing additional information so the result becomes tailored to personal (or group) needs.

Use of Harmonic Creation Field Trio with Crystals

The Harmonic Creation Field Trio is Ideal when used in conjunction with crystals which add frequencies that build on the original chord.

What are the benefits of using
the Harmonic Creation Field Trio with Water?

It is a well known and accepted fact that our physical bodies are mostly made up of water.

Drinking, breathing the mist, or topically applying water that has spent time within the harmonic field of this trio allows us to more gracefully shift our energy into the frequencies of transformation and healing. It prepares the physical body for this higher frequency thus allowing the multiple layers of our energy body to be present and resonant in this physical realm. When used with high vibrational pure and joyful intent, the harmonic energy of structure and balance can begin to emerge from any disconnection or chaotic energy we may have been experiencing.

Regular consumption and use of water treated with The Harmonic Creation Field Trio of Tensor Rings gradually clears chaotic vibrations and attracts life force from the Earth’s bio-regenerative field; it cleanses, repairs and prepares us on many levels to reconnect and strengthen the center of our being.

    © The Quantum Crystal Skull 2021